Sunday, January 8, 2023

Welcome to My Experience!


"Whence did the wond'rous mystic art arise, of painting SPEECH, and speaking to the eye? 
That we by tracing magic lines are taught, how to embody, and color THOUGHT?"
    --- Marshal McLuhan, p.48    

I experience my world in four dimensions and through multi-sensory glasses. 

Starting something, especially starting something about myself, is always a challenge for me. I inevitably feel like I need to sound profound, but then, after I've written my profound thought, I find it cheesy or un-understandable and ultimately give up on it altogether; putting myself right back where I started. I think too much. I overthink much more than I think. It's a cycle, a dangerous one, I like to get caught in. My friends and family know this but they'll only ever see a fraction of that part of me. I feel it all, and will forever be subjected to feeling it because this is my body; my experience.

And yet, I continue to push forward. Anything I am capable of writing, I do. Short stories, academic papers, skits, plays. It flows into my fingers and onto my keyboard or through my pen. Writing is the one tool that organizes my thoughts.

Photo: writing prompt from my journal; two girls sharing an evening out together

Over time, I've found new ways of channeling my creativity. Film is one of them. Our eye sees what it wants, it is subjective, but the camera is not. It forces me to be aware. Animation, too, archives this and most importantly gets my hands physically involved; both in between shots and during the shots. 

Video: 2 seconds from my animation Our Love; two lovers being close either each other

Finally, I'm mastering the art of becoming someone else: acting. Theatre is powerful, whether a person is behind the scenes or on stage. It's collaboration. Acting itself is something I hadn't dabbled in until college. What I have found is how useful it is in centering myself in someone else shoes and broadening my scope of existence to include the other.

Photo: Lawrence University's production of Scapan's Tricks

My name is Nayla J. Brunnbauer. I am not a profound person. I'm the collection of 21 years of life.  I have so much more to learn and, yet, I am a well of creativity.


  1. I think you ended up sounding much more profound than you gave yourself credit for. I think the knowledge that human beings are forever works in progress and that being and living is a perpetual thing is very profound, which is the sense I get from the way you like to engage in your art. Also, I love that animation so much. I'm so excited to see what else you do in this class!

  2. I really love the entire organization of your post. The quote, text, pictures, and videos are shown in a perfect easy reading way. I'm also feeling the challenge to start talking about myself, and "sounds" to be profound. When I read your blog, I feel you are a profound person, like, you find out what you like and what you want to do.
    I also like your last paragraph, which introduces yourself. There are just simple sentences, but they really attract me and want to know more about you.

  3. I love the quote you chose for the top of this post! I also pulled that quote out when I was doing the reading:) I also like what you said about acting. I also feel that when I am making art, that it is interesting to become something or someone who is outside of yourself. While at the same time, acting is something that is so inextricably linked to who you are as yourself. I find that dichotomy between the character being determinedly understood as Not Yourself but also brought to being by your own voice, physical form, and other personal attributes kind of fascinating to experience.


Exploring Science Fiction!

  "Media...envokes in use their unique ratios of sense perception. The extension of any one sense alters the way we think and act---   ...